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Sunday March 29th Service - Passion Sunday

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Welcome to St. Catherine's

Today is Passion Sunday.

This Sunday we start on the path that leads us to Easter. From here, we walk with Jesus towards Jerusalem. Next week is Palm Sunday and then follow the events of Holy Week.

We meet in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit


Song: Light of the world

Almighty God,

to whom all hearts are open,

all desires known,

and from whom no secrets are hidden:

cleanse the thoughts of our hearts

by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,

that we may perfectly love you,

and worthily magnify your holy name;

through Christ our Lord.


Let us admit to God the sin which always confronts us.

Lord God,

we have sinned against you;

we have done evil in your sight.

We are sorry and repent.

Have mercy on us according to your love.

Wash away our wrongdoing and cleanse us from our sin.

Renew a right spirit within us

and restore us to the joy of your salvation,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy

Christ have mercy

Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Hear the forgiveness that God proclaims over us:

May the God of all healing and forgiveness

draw you to himself,

and cleanse you from all your sins

that you may behold the glory of his Son,

the Word made flesh,

Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Collect (our special prayer for today):

Gracious Father,

you gave up your Son

out of love for the world:

lead us to ponder the mysteries of his passion,

that we may know eternal peace

through the shedding of our Saviour’s blood,

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Song: Only By Grace

Bible Reading: John 11:1-45

Sermon: A Declaration of Life

The Creed:

Let us affirm our faith in Jesus Christ,

the Son of God.

Though he was divine,

he did not cling to equality with God,

but made himself nothing.

Taking the form of a slave,

he was born in human likeness.

He humbled himself

and was obedient to death,

even the death of the cross.

Therefore God has raised him on high,

and given him the name above every name:

that at the name of Jesus

every knee should bow,

and every voice proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Our Prayers:

Hallelujah! The sun has risen again and it is morning! And we have awoken into it, alive, breathing, thinking, knowing that your Son will rise again and we will be saved. What did we do to deserve this day? It is a gift from you. Glory and praise to you, our God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for filling us with life to live another day, for it is you who made us and not us ourselves.

We resolve to spend this day in the presence of the Holy Spirit, filled with his joy and energy, that we might accomplish your will, my God, and do what we can to deserve the joys of the day, for we know our time here is short. Be with us, oh Holy Spirit, to fill us with the energy and positivity and comfort that only you can bring. In Christ’s name we pray that thy will be done.

Lord in your Mercy

Hear our prayer


Father, thank you for bringing us into your family. May we never disappoint you in the way we treat others. Teach us to show love, patience, and acceptance to all who come to us; let us show peace of soul and firm conviction that your will governs all. And we pray that others may see in us the qualities of character that can only be attributed to your presence in our lives.

Make our lives a window for your light to shine through and a mirror to reflect your love to all we meet. To you be the glory and the honour, forever and ever, through Jesus my Lord.

Lord in your Mercy

Hear our prayer

Compassionate Lord, we pray for those who have been devastated by recent natural disasters and especially those who are affected by the corona virus. We remember those who have lost their lives so suddenly. We hold in our hearts the families forever changed by grief and loss. Bring them consolation and comfort. Surround them with our prayer for strength. Bless those who have survived and heal their memories of trauma and devastation. May they have the courage to face the long road of rebuilding ahead.

We ask your blessing also on all those who have lost their homes, their livelihoods, their security and their hope. Bless the work of relief agencies and those proving emergency assistance. May their work be guided by the grace and strength that comes from You alone.

Help us to respond with generosity in prayer, in assistance, in aid to the best of our abilities. Keep our hearts focused on the needs of those affected, even after the crisis is over. We ask this in Jesus' name.

Lord in your Mercy

Hear our prayer

Father, We come to pray for those who are caring for the sick. It takes a kind and selfless heart to care for those who are sick, and so Father we pray for them. We pray that You would be their source of rest, their source of replenishment when weary, and their source of hope in such overwhelming times. Lord we know that whosoever pours out shall be given back in proportion, so we pray blessings upon these caregivers. We also pray for their health that they may not fall ill. Father protect them with a hedge of protection against the germs of coronavirus and help those who are giving to be protected as they nurse others back to health. Bless them, oh Lord.

Lord in your Mercy

Hear our prayer

Finally we bring before you those who have died, we thank you Father for their lives. Comfort family and friends who mourn their loss.

Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen

Our Communion

Song: O Praise the name of the Lord our God

The Blessing:

May the peace of God,

which passes all understanding,

keep our hearts and minds

in the knowledge and love of God

and the blessing of God Almighty,

Father Son and Holy Spirit,

be among us and remain with us always.


And our final song is to help us remember the key verse from today’s reading. Everyone on their feet, please.

Song: I am the Resurrection

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